CEO Summit and PUMM Pahang 13th Anniversary Celebration Dinner 总裁高峰会兼青创会彭亨联委会十三周年纪念慈善晚宴
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CEO Summit and PUMM Pahang 13th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

In honor of the 13th anniversary of PUMM Pahang's establishment, we will host a "CEO Summit and PUMM Pahang 13th Anniversary Celebration Dinner" on June 10, 2023.

As we continue to uphold our mission of providing a sustainable learning platform for entrepreneurs, we are also responsible for contributing to society. The proceeds from this charity dinner will be donated to the SJK(C) Mentakab Centennial Celebration Fundraising Campaign.

Our guest speakers include:

- Mr. Lim Kim Heng, Group Executive Chairman and Founder of Senheng Electric, CEO of Petsmore Sdn Bhd

- Dato Sri Ng Chuan Hoo, PUMM Pahang Founding State Liaison Chairman, Founder of Vern's Holding Sdn Bhd,

We cordially invite all members and non-members to actively support and participate in this extraordinary charity dinner.

Event Details:

Date: June 10, 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 6:30 pm

Venue: Restoran Suang Hee, Mentakab, Pahang

To participate in this event, please contact Executive Secretary CK at 016-6683151 or Jeff Loh at 016-9529596.


为纪念青创会彭亨州联委会创会十三周年,于2023610日,我们将举办 “总裁高峰会兼彭亨州青创会13周年纪念慈善晚宴。除了继续秉持创会宗旨,即为企业家提供永续学习的平台,同时也义不容辞地为华教献力。本会慈善晚宴所获盈余将捐献给文德甲中华小学百年校庆筹募基金运动。


- 林金友先生,Petsmore 宠物多多总裁,大马最大家电连锁上市集团 SENHENG 创办人之一

- 拿督斯里黄春萀,Vern's 女性时尚鞋与包包品牌创办人,智囊汇总裁私人俱乐部创办人,彭亨州联委会创会主席





欲参与此活动,请联系执行秘书 Ck 016-6683151  Jeff Loh 016-9529596