PUMM Hosts MRMEA 2022 Past Winners Dinner Gathering 马来西亚企业楷模大奖2022 获奖者聚餐交流会(中马区)
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【PUMM Hosts Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Awards (MRMEA) 2022 - Past Winners Dinner Gathering】

On the evening of 4th October 2023, Malaysian Entrepreneurs Development Association (PUMM) hosted a dinner gathering for the Malaysia Role Model Enterprise Awards (MRMEA) 2022 Past Winners (Central Region). The dinner took place at Restaurant F1 Restaurant in Puchong, and saw a gathering of past MRMEA winners.
Among the past winners in attendance were Han On Sdn Bhd, Leading Global Engineering Sdn Bhd, One Stop (OEM) Sdn Bhd, SSB Hardware Sdn Bhd, Thriving Talents Sdn Bhd, Webist Pro Sdn Bhd, PG Mall Sdn Bhd, Infab Classic Industries Sdn Bhd, Artroniq Berhad, Central Capital Resources (M) Sdn Bhd, and Vkids Trend Sdn Bhd.
National President Tan Lay Seong made an exciting initiative that PUMM plans to establish an MRMR & MRMEA Winners Club in the near future, aiming to continuously organize gatherings for all past winners of both accolades. Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi also took the stage to convey his gratitude to all attendees for their support of MRMEA and its mission.
Highlights of the evening were the presentation of the MRMEA 2022 Winner Book. Each of the MRMEA winners was honored with ten copies of this valuable publication. The book includes detailed information about their companies, introductions, notable achievements and highlights, contact information, and personal messages.
Participants included National President Tan Lay Seong, Deputy President Nelson Beh, Vice President Dato Dr. Teh, Vice President Michael Teoh, Penang State Liaison Chairman Alec Ooi, and State committee Jacky Ho.

【马来西亚企业楷模大奖(MRMEA)2022 获奖者聚餐交流会(中马区)】

2023年10月4日,马来西亚创业促进会(青创会;PUMM)在蒲种的F1餐厅,邀请了马来西亚企业楷模大奖(MRMEA)2022 中马区的获奖者一同共度晚宴。这次晚宴汇聚了过去 MRMEA 获奖者。
出席的获奖企业包括 Han On Sdn Bhd、Leading Global Engineering Sdn Bhd、One Stop (OEM) Sdn Bhd、SSB Hardware Sdn Bhd、Thriving Talents Sdn Bhd、Webist Pro Sdn Bhd、PG Mall Sdn Bhd、Infab Classic Industries Sdn Bhd、Artroniq Berhad、Central Capital Resources (M) Sdn Bhd 以及 Vkids Trend Sdn Bhd。
青创会全国总会长陈礼祥宣布了青创会计划在不久的将来设立 MRMR 及 MRMEA 得主俱乐部,旨在为曾获得这两項表揚往届得主提供一个持续交流、分享经验的平台。槟州联委会主席黄玟豪代表 MRMEA 2022 的主办方欢迎了出席的获奖代表,并感谢各位对 MRMEA 的支持。
每位出席的获奖者领取了马来西亚楷模企业大奖(MRMEA)2022 得奖企业特刊,共十份精装副本。此特刊包括了独家封面、有关企业的详细信息、简介、卓越成就和联系方式。
署理总会长马俊豪也向与会者介绍了即将来临的三十周年庆晚宴及马来西亚楷模人物表扬典礼,并诚挚邀请所有与会者出席。所有的 MRMEA 得奖者都将获得一个 VIP 席位,呼吁各位尽快向秘书处确认出席。